KSSH prepared and distributed to its membership in the workplace the publication “Basic rules for managing the situation of COVID-19 in the workplace”.
This edition was prepared by the Trade Unions Center for Training and Research of Albania (QTSSSH), under the auspices of Mrs. Anisa Subashi, Director of QTSSSH, and Deputy President of KSSH and was financially supported by ITUC / PERC, through the Project “Union to Union” (U2U) for Southeast European countries with financial support from the Swedish Trade Unions.
This gift on Christmas Eve comes to Albanian workers in order to inform employees about:
General knowledge about # Covid19.
Symptoms of its appearance, How does it spread? How to prevent and limit its opening and infection in the workplace? Social distance, rules of using masks, guaranteeing personal and collective hygiene at work. Covid-19 red protocols.
Work from home, as a protection and prevention option from Covid-19. Etj.
Today this pocket manual was distributed in all 10 Trade Union Federations and in the 12 Regions of the country in order to be in the hands of every KSSH member in the workplace within this week.
# ksshCovid19