The Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH- CTUA) is the largest trade union organization in Albania. CTUA already operates as one big family and social care which is filling two decade life, be it the swift and very powerful. Today CTUA has passed its “adolescence” stage and is at the peak of maturity about its activity and productivity. Its 30 years age, has taught us and strengthen us to clearly orient in a pluralistic society and market economy. Strategic and political orientation of CTUA in these years has been clear. We are united, integrated and included in the forces that support and are conducting democratic transformation of our post-communist society. During this period we are made important institutional actors, we did our legitimate social and economic requirements to fulfill our noble mission as defender of the real socio-economic interests of the Albanian employees. These requirements are consistently associated with specific missions and activities of the trade union movement. In the following years are managed and accompanied with debates, consensus, social and civil dialogue in order to alleviate the effects of depreciation of political, economic and social reforms, with good purpose and only to perform with a little pain and consequences for our members, community and society in general..

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[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”small”]
[dt_sc_team name=”Anisa Subashi” role=”Vice President of CTUA” image=”7462″ facebook=”″ twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Kol Nikollaj” role=”President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania” image=”5764″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Hajdar Kanani” role=”Organizational Secretary of KSSH” image=”5823″ facebook=”″ twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Taf Koleci” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Industries” image=”5760″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Suzana Lulaj” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Textile” image=”7466″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Hajrush Collaku” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Education” image=”5757″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Jona Vina” image=”5822″ facebook=”″ twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Agriculture, Livestock”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Tonin Gjinaj” image=”7467″ facebook=”″ twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Transport”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Petrit Frangu” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Health” image=”5759″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Nikoll Doci” role=”General Secretary of the Federation of Trade” image=”7468″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Aleksander Dodani” role=”General Secretary of the Construction Federation” image=”7469″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Police Services” role=”Police Services” image=”7470″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Public Administration” role=”Federation of Public Administration” image=”7471″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Aida Llazani” role=”Head of Economic Department, CTUA” image=”7472″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Besiana Mile” role=”Women’s network coordinator” image=”7473″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Ardit Vranici” role=”Youth network coordinator” image=”7475″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Ferit Duka” role=”Retirement network coordinator” image=”7476″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Union Center” role=”Union Center” image=”7477″ facebook=”” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Leonora Cino” role=”Audit Finance Committee” image=”7478″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Albana Llapi” role=”Statute Commission” image=”7479″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team name=”Human resource” role=”Nikoll Doci Department of Organization and Human Resources” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”][/dt_sc_team]
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[dt_sc_contact_info type=”type2″ icon=”pe-icon pe-call” title=”Contact Us”]Tel/Fax: +355 42477284 [dt_sc_br /] Mob: +355 682047583[/dt_sc_contact_info]
[dt_sc_contact_info type=”type2″ icon=”pe-icon pe-mail” title=”Email Us @”] [dt_sc_br /][/dt_sc_contact_info]
[dt_sc_contact_info type=”type2″ icon=”pe-icon pe-map-marker” title=”Location”]St. “Shaban Bardhoshi”, Municipal Unit 6, Bd. 2, H. 3,Tirana, Albania Kodi Postar 1027[/dt_sc_contact_info]
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