Knowledge is power, is strength, as many members and functionaries have the knowledge and insight, the greater will be the power and implementing strength of the trade union.

This principle has been and will remain the main guide in our daily work and activity in Albanian Trade Unions Centre for Training and Research (QTSSSH), because only through education and the enlargements of our knowledge we can achieve the increasing and perfecting our capacities to develop social dialogue, civil dialogue, to build successful negotiations and collective agreements in the service of employees in each enterprise public or private institution, to promote democratic values ​​and thus improve the quality of our lives and of our families.

QTSSSH began its life in 1996 with the help and contribution of the Danish trade union friends. Today it has become an institution that annually trains with dozens, hundreds of trade unionists from all professions, branches and all districts of Albania affiliated or not in the trade union. The main contribution to the realization of the purposes and objectives of QTSSSH has given and continue to give all the Leading Structures of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH), from trade union organizations in the enterprise base or territory to Professions Federations and KSSH General Assembly.

For fulfillment of its goals QTSSSH is composed of two components:

  1. Training Centre
  2. Research and Studies Institute

Albanian Trade Unions Centre for Training and Research (QTSSSH) operates as an independent unit, non-profit legal personality. It aims and its mission is to train and conduct studies / researches to strengthen the capacities of contributing workers especially in the field of labor relations, wages, pensions, continuous improvement of working conditions and quality of life, safety at work places and in daily life by providing concrete ideas and alternative solution to solve social needs, economic and cultural rights of trade unionists and other workers, the unemployed, pensioners, women, youth, disabled, etc.

QTSSSH has a clear political will to work independently, to harmonize joint actions with good intention that this center to expand its objectivity also with other components of trade union movement, besides trade union education, also in the field of researches, statistical processing, performing various analyzes in union membership service and why not in the field of public education and citizen working with civil society, universities, government structures, etc.

Trade Union education of QTSSSH will have in its priority the democratization of KSSH structures, seeing it as an integral and indispensable part of updating and reorganizing the trade union structures. We have gained experience in alternate combination of education and strengthening the trade union with women and young members, this will be a priority also in the future. Capacity building for social dialogue on the part of trade unions of professions and in base as well as a careful analysis of the combination of social dialogue and civil dialogue with trade union activity will remain a priority for the education center.

QTSSSH through its education, training, studies and researchers role will work that these problems to return in opportunities and values for the revitalization and strengthening of the trade unions. QTSSSH as a training, education, and research institution, in the service of Albanian trade unions, has played and will play an important role. In particular it will be a coordination center and implementing of international donor assistance for trade union education, as well as associations or employers’ organizations operating in the labor market and social issues training.

QTSSSH will be the meeting point between unions needs for training, opportunities for ways to realize them in order not to have overlapped or repetition qualifications of projects, but an optimization of the funds closer to real needs. All these together with the strengthening of updating the existing network of trainers, as well as the addition and creation of local trainers, will strengthen education and training capabilities Albanian Trade Unions Centre for Training and Research.




Albanian Trade Unions Centre for Training and Research

[dt_sc_simple_heading type=”script” tag=”h3″ text=”Labor relations and labor market. The system of collective agreements.” subtext=””]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi[/dt_sc_simple_heading]

Dr. Nikoll DOÇI, Researcher, Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania


Labor relations and labor market. The system of collective agreements

After 1990, with the change of economic social order in Albania changed labor relations. A market economy will be reflected in labor relations between employers and employees. Employers now is not only the state but rather constitute the majority of employers in the private sector, and therefore labor relations in the private sector. Changing labor relations was accompanied by profound changes in legislation. legislation has been improving from year to year. Labor relations are defined by the labor market. This market almost throughout the period of more than two decades has failed to meet the rising demand for labor. Economic growth is relatively high rates is not accompanied by the same level of creation of new jobs and their sustainability. In these conditions there were premises for high unemployment, undeclared work by violating the very rights of the employees. The level of poverty has been and is high, so the minimum wage has been very low. Albania did not have a tradition of social dialogue. Hence arose the dialogue structures. But the dialogue has been and remains one of the most important tasks of social partners. Respect for the rights of employees, the application of labor relations legislation depends on cooperation and partnership, the development of bilateral and tripartite social dialogue. The fight against informality and evasion is important for improving labor relations.

Keywords: labor relations, labour market, social dialogue, employment, informality.

[ult_createlink title=”Labor relations and labor market. The system of collective agreements.” btn_link=”|||” link_hover_style=”Style_1″ text_color=”#dd9933″ text_style=”left”]
[dt_sc_simple_heading type=”script” tag=”h3″ text=”Roli i grave shqiptare në tregun e punës, pabarazia dhe diskriminimi.” subtext=””]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi[/dt_sc_simple_heading]

The role of Albanian women in the labor market, inequality and discrimination.

Dr. Nikoll DOÇI,



Roli i grave shqiptare në tregun e punës, pabarazia dhe diskriminimi. Shqipëria ka bërë progres në zhvillimin social dhe ekonomik të vendit, por kjo nuk është shoqëruar me të njëjtat ritme të rritjes së punësimit. Punësimi është një nga plagët më të mëdha sociale në vend. Rritja e punësimit vitet e fundit kryesisht ka ardhur si rezultat i formalizimit të vendeve të punës në kuadrin e luftës kundër informalitetit dhe evazionit, dhe jo si rezultat i hapjes së vendeve të reja të punës. Pjesëmarrja e femrave në tregun e punës është më e vogël se e meshkujve. Numri i të rinjve të papunë është shumë i lartë, rreth dy herë më i lartë se numri i përgjithshëm i të papunëve. Papunësia e lartë dhe pagat e ulëta janë arsyet kryesore që Shqipëria ka emigracion shumë të lartë. Orët mesatare të punës, në javë për gratë e punësuara në disa sektor janë më të larta se për burrat. Burrat kanë një mesatare mujore të pagave më të lartë se femrat. Hendeku gjinor ndërmjet pagave në disa sektor është shumë i lartë, si në bujqësi, tregti, arsim, shëndetësi, etj. Paga minimale në Shqipëri është shumë ulët. Ndihma sociale dhe pensionet gjithashtu janë shumë të ulëta. Varfëria është shumë e madhe. Shqipëria nuk ka përcaktuar akoma minimumin jetik zyrtar. Pabarazia e femrave në shoqëri dhe në punë është e lartë. Rastet e abuzimit, diskriminimit e dhunës janë të shpeshta. Shteti duhet të ketë kontribut më të madh në promovimin barazisë gjinore. Më shumë duhet fokusuar tek zgjidhja e problemeve që prekin një numër të madh femrash. Duhet rritur të ardhurat, pagat për femrat, në mënyrë të veçantë duhet rritur paga minimale. Kërkohet sensibilizim shumë më i madh për të drejtat e femrave.

Keywords: punësimi dhe papunësia, hendeku gjinor, barazia gjinore, diskriminimi.